This tutorial is not only educational material for you, but it’s also a playing field for me to explore just how far simple algebraic structures like monoids can be applied in the context of software design.
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Let’s build up to monoids first; don’t worry, it’s a relatively short build-up. A semigroup is an associative binary function:
-- | Associative binary functions. Values of this type should satisfy
-- the following law:
-- * Associativity: for all x, y, z,
-- @(x `sappend` y) `sappend` z = x `sappend` (y `sappend` z)@.
newtype ASemigroup a =
ASemigroup {
sappend :: a -> a -> a
That’s it. Such a function is commonly referred to as a composition function. Given two arguments it composes them. Here are a few examples:
-- Compose two integers by addition.
sAdd :: ASemigroup Integer
sAdd = ASemigroup (+)
-- Compose two integers by multiplication.
sMult :: ASemigroup Integer
sMult = ASemigroup (*)
-- Compose two lists by concatenation.
sAppend :: ASemigroup [a]
sAppend = ASemigroup (++)
-- Compose two actions by IO composition.
sAndThen :: ASemigroup (IO a)
sAndThen = ASemigroup (>>)
In case you’re wondering why I’m not talking about type classes right now, it’s because they’re extra, and we’ll talk about them later. It’s better if we understand the essence of the matter first, before we discuss the convenience features.
It’s important to keep in mind that the ASemigroup
type is tied to a particular contract: the associativity law. If we construct a value of this type that doesn’t satisfy it, we are breaking the contract. Here is an example of such a violation:
sBad :: ASemigroup Integer
sBad = ASemigroup (-)
-- Violation because: (3 - 2) - 1 ≠ 3 - (2 - 1)
Back to valid semigroups. We can of course use any of these semigroups directly, for which the -XRecordWildCards
extension is useful,
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
sAddExample :: Integer
sAddExample =
let ASemigroup{..} = sAdd
in 3 `sappend` 4 `sappend` 5 `sappend` 6
sAppendExample :: String
sAppendExample =
let ASemigroup{..} = sAppend
in foldr sappend [] ["A", "List", "Of", "Words"]
but more interestingly we can now abstract over semigroups (take semigroups as arguments):
stimes' :: ASemigroup a -> Integer -> a -> a
stimes' sg@ASemigroup{..} n x =
case compare n 1 of
LT -> error "stimes: Non-positive count."
EQ -> x
GT -> x `sappend` stimes' sg (n - 1) x
This function, given a semigroup, a count n
and a value x
composes x
with itself the given number of times using the semigroup. Examples:
stimes' add 4 10
= 10 + (10 + (10 + 10))
= 40
stimes' append 4 "Hello"
= "Hello" ++ ("Hello" ++ ("Hello" ++ "Hello"))
= "HelloHelloHelloHello"
stimes' andThen 4 (putStrLn "blah")
= putStrLn "blah" >> (putStrLn "blah" >>
(putStrLn "blah" >> putStrLn "blah"))
This seems like a lot of trouble to go through for what is essentially just passing functions of type (a -> a -> a)
around, so why is the associativity law so useful that it warrants its own type? Actually associativity is a rather weak law and many functions satisfy it, but the functions that do tend to be accumulating (additive
) in nature. Another consequence of associativity is that we can regroup composition as we wish, so given an expression like,
x1 `sappend` (x2 `sappend` (x3 `sappend` x4))
we can evaluate the following expression instead and get the same result:
(x1 `sappend` x2) `sappend` (x3 `sappend` x4)
This ability to regroup actually gives rise to a few interesting opportunities to optimise our code, which we will discover later. For now let me just give you a particular example. Integer multiplication is a semigroup:
((((((5 * 5) * 5) * 5) * 5) * 5) * 5) * 5
If you were to evaluate this the way it is presented, you would do seven multiplications. But since we’re allowed to regroup as we wish, we can compute the following instead,
((5 * 5) * (5 * 5)) * ((5 * 5) * (5 * 5))
= (25 * 25) * (25 * 25)
= 625 * 625
= 390625
which only cost three multiplications.
Exercise Sg1: Construct a semigroup for the type ()
sUnit :: ASemigroup ()
Exercise Sg2: Which of the following are valid semigroups?
exerciseSg2a :: ASemigroup (IO a)
exerciseSg2a = ASemigroup (\c1 c2 -> c2 >> c1)
exerciseSg2b :: ASemigroup Rational
exerciseSg2b = ASemigroup (/)
exerciseSg2c :: ASemigroup (Integer, Integer)
exerciseSg2c = ASemigroup (\(x1, x2) (y1, y2) -> (x1 + y2, x2 + y1))
exerciseSg2d :: ASemigroup Integer
exerciseSg2d = ASemigroup max
exerciseSg2e :: ASemigroup Integer
exerciseSg2e = ASemigroup (\x y -> x * (-y))
exerciseSg2f :: ASemigroup [a]
exerciseSg2f = ASemigroup f
f xs [] = xs
f [] ys = ys
f (x:xs) (y:ys) = x : y : f xs ys
Exercise Sg3 (hard): Construct interesting semigroups for the following types:
exerciseSg3a :: ASemigroup (a -> a)
exerciseSg3b :: ASemigroup (a -> Integer)
exerciseSg3c :: ASemigroup (a -> IO a)
Semigroup morphisms
Remember that a semigroup is an associative binary function. We will now make sense of functions that go from one semigroup to another
. Let’s take a look at the following function:
listLen :: [a] -> Integer
listLen = foldl' (\c _ -> 1 + c) 0
This function computes the length of the given list. If you look at the type, you can say that it goes from [a]
to Integer
, the underlying types of the semigroups sAppend
and sAdd
. But it also goes from (++)
to (+)
, the underlying functions of the semigroups, in the following sense:
- For all
:listLen (xs ++ ys) = listLen xs + listLen ys
We say that the listLen
is a semigroup morphism or structure-preserving map from the semigroup sAppend
to the semigroup sAdd
More generally let (!) :: A -> A -> A
be a semigroup over A
and (#) :: B -> B -> B
be a semigroup over B
, and let f :: A -> B
. Then f
is called a semigroup morphism from (!)
to (#)
if and only if it satisfies the following law:
- Structure preservation: for all
x :: A
andy :: A
:f (x ! y) = f x # f y
Much like the associativity law the structure preservation law is weak enough that we will find many semigroup morphisms, if we start actively looking for them.
So what does this law actually mean, and why do we care? Structure preservation captures a very strong notion of locality and parallelism. If a semigroup morphism cannot behave differently under composition, it means that if it is passed a composite, it will use information of the individual components only locally, even though it does not necessarily know that it has received a composite. Category theorists sometimes call such a property naturality. Software engineers might associate this with composability.
The parallelism notion is equally interesting, because it is not just an algebraic notion, but quite literally operational parallelism. If f
is an expensive semigroup morphism, then instead of f (x ! y)
you might actually consider computing f x # f y
instead, because now you can compute f x
and f y
individually and in parallel. This is essentially how MapReduce works.
Exercise SgM1: Is there a semigroup morphism from sUnit
(exercise Sg1) to sAdd
? If yes, implement it.
Exercise SgM2: Is there a semigroup morphism from sAdd
to exerciseSg2d
? If yes, implement it.
Exercise SgM3 (hard): Given three arbitrary semigroups s1
, s2
and s3
, an arbitrary semigroup morphism f
from s1
to s2
, and an arbitrary semigroup morphism g
from s2
to s3
, is g . f
a semigroup morphism?
Exercise SgM4 (hard): Is there a semigroup morphism from sAppend
to sMult
that is not a constant function? If yes, implement it.
Type classes
We have talked about the weakness of the associativity law, of which one consequence is that there are loads and loads of semigroups. I don’t just mean that in the obvious mathematical sense (there are infinitely many of them), but that you actually find them all over your code, if you train your senses to see them. This also means that as you start abstracting over semigroups it may get tedious to pass them around as arguments all the time. Luckily Haskell has a rather convenient feature to pass stuff to functions implicitly: type classes. A class for semigroups looks like this:
-- | Instances of this class should satisfy the following law:
-- * Associativity: for all x, y, z,
-- @(x <> y) <> z = x <> (y <> z)@.
class Semigroup a where
(<>) :: a -> a -> a
However, we can save ourselves the trouble of defining this class. Since base 4.9 (GHC 8.0 and later) it comes as part of the base library in the Data.Semigroup
module. If your base library is older, well, you should update. If for some reason you can’t, you can install the semigroups library for now.
With this class we can dispense with the (admittedly rather ugly) ASemigroup
arguments and record wildcards when abstracting over semigroups:
myStimes :: (Semigroup a) => Integer -> a -> a
myStimes n x =
case compare n 1 of
LT -> error "myStimes: Non-positive count"
EQ -> x
GT -> x <> myStimes (n - 1) x
The reason for the name myStimes
is, as you may have guessed already, that this function is actually predefined as stimes
, except with an optimisation that relies heavily on the associativity contract, and that for many semigroups provides an exponential speedup (the square-and-multiply algorithm).
There is a downside to the class-based approach though: semigroups are now type-bound: you can only write one semigroup instance for Integer
. To overcome this limitation we use newtype
as usual, and the following types and instances are actually predefined:
newtype Sum a = Sum { getSum :: a }
instance (Num a) => Semigroup (Sum a) where
Sum x <> Sum y = Sum (x + y)
newtype Product a = Product { getProduct :: a }
instance (Num a) => Semigroup (Product a) where
Product x <> Product y = Product (x * y)
When we use myStimes
we can select the instance based on which wrapper type we use:
myStimes 5 (Sum 3) = Sum (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3)
myStimes 5 (Product 3) = Product (3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3)
Even though there are almost always multiple semigroups for any given type, for some types it’s convenient to just declare one of them as canonical and implement an instance for it. For example for lists we use the concatenation semigroup, and we would rarely choose another one, so we implement:
instance Semigroup [a] where
(<>) = (++)
From here on we will use type classes exclusively. In other words, we will discard the ASemigroup
type in favour of the Semigroup
class, and we will identify types with semigroups, so for example instead of referring to the list of characters concatenation semigroup
, we will simply refer to the
Now that we understand semigroups, monoids are just an extra law away: A monoid is a semigroup with a certain element called mempty
that satisfies the following equations for all x
- Left identity:
mempty <> x = x
, - Right identity:
x <> mempty = x
This law is called the identity law, and we will refer to mempty
as the identity of the monoid. It is also sometimes called the neutral element, the empty element, the zero or the one, which indicate what the element denotes.
The type class for monoids is predefined (of course) and straightforward… with a minor but rather unfortunate caveat: as of October 2016 (base 4.9) there is a historical accident in the base library. It should be defined like this,
class (Semigroup a) => Monoid a where
mempty :: a
but because the Semigroup
class was actually added long after the Monoid
class, in the current base library it’s defined like this:
class Monoid a where
mappend :: a -> a -> a
mempty :: a
This may lead to some minor code duplication that in principle wouldn’t be necessary, but it’s not a serious problem, and it will likely be fixed in a future version.
Many semigroups are also monoids. For example the list concatenation semigroup is also a monoid,
instance Monoid [a] where
mappend = (++)
mempty = []
because concatenation with the empty list always yields the original list. The summation semigroup is also a monoid,
instance (Num a) => Monoid (Sum a) where
mappend (Sum x) (Sum y) = Sum (x + y)
mempty = Sum 0
because adding 0 always yields the original number. Ok, let’s look at a slightly trickier example:
newtype AndThen = AndThen { runAndThen :: IO () }
instance Monoid AndThen where
mappend (AndThen c1) (AndThen c2) =
AndThen (c1 >> c2)
mempty = _
This is supposedly the IO composition monoid. We have seen that it’s a semigroup (sAndThen
), so all we need for it to become a monoid is an identity, an action that is neutral with respect to IO composition. Which action could we compose with any other action to yield the original action? How about the action that does nothing? If we compose any action c
with the action that does nothing, the result is just c
mempty = AndThen (pure ())
Here is a family of semigroups that we have seen in exercise Sg2:
newtype Max a = Max { getMax :: a }
instance (Ord a) => Semigroup (Max a) where
Max x <> Max y = Max (max x y)
Is Max Word
a monoid? Well, sure, the identity is Max 0
, because taking the maximum between the smallest possible number and any other number always yields the other number. Is Max Int
a semigroup? Yeah, but the identity is now target-specific, because it’s the smallest possible Int
. But what about Max Integer
? Does that one have an identity? Nope. There is no smallest integer. A Max
semigroup is a monoid, if and only if it has a smallest element:
instance (Bounded a, Ord a) => Monoid (Max a) where
mappend = (<>)
mempty = Max minBound
So sometimes a family of semigroups is partially a family of monoids, but needs extra constraints.
TODO: Add exercises.
Monoid morphisms
TODO: Write slightly more than a TODO remark.
Monoidal design
There are a number of reasons why as a programmer one may find monoids worth studying:
As a design pattern monoids capture the notion of compositional design (as opposed to monolithic design). The key feature that follows from the monoid laws is that individual components must be self-contained in a strong sense, which enables local reasoning.
Monoid morphisms capture the notion of extensibility, but unlike traditional extension mechanisms monoid morphisms are strictly separate from the monoids they map. In other words an extension will never change existing code.
Together these two features provide true separation of concerns. Have you ever called your code done
? Confidently? Now you can.
TODO: Expand.